Elia Suleiman, Jayce Salloum
1990. United States of America, Palestina. vo Anglès, Àrab. s Castellà. 41’

Aquest quadre cinètic d'imatges i sons desarrelats s'esforça per exposar els prejudicis racials ocults en imatges familiars. Basant-se en valuosos fragments de llargmetratges com a Èxode, Lawrence d'Aràbia, Black Sunday, Little Drummer Girls i telenotícies, els autors han construït una narració estranyament irònica, imitant la història de la política d'Orient Mitjà.

Salloum i Suleiman han construït una narració sorprenentment irònica que imita la història política de l'Orient Pròxim. A través d'unes certes frases polítiques clau veiem com una sèrie de distorsions repetides es transformen en política exterior. Speaking for Oneself constitueix el primer intent d'unificar en una sola cosa la imatge i l'acte.


https://vimeo.com/salloum https://vimeo.com/salloum
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others
Introduction to the End of an Argument: Speaking for Oneself... / Speaking for Others