Dreaminess 2

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística (creation practices and artistic research)

4th November from 7:30pm to 9:30pm

• “Le jour a vaincu la nuit” by Jean-Gabriel Périot, 28’ (France) (2013). VO. French. Subtitles in Spanish.
Eight portraits, eight dreams, eight escapes.

• “Solitude at the end of the World”  by Carlos Casas, 52’ (Argentina) (2002). VO. Spanish.
In one of the least populated regions of the world, a few men lead lives in total solitude, spending months and months alone. This documentary tells the story of three of these men. Isolated from the world for different reasons, they survive in a suspended time of their own in one of the harshest environments of the world.

• “How to be a recluse” by Laurel Swenson, 4’ (Canada) (1998). VO. English. Subtitles in Spanish.
A series of ‘advices’ on how to gain independence and control in the face of the difficulties implicit in human relationships


Reverse Box Office.
Limited places, early booking: info@cra-p.org / 666 763 504
CRA’P Space

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística (creation practices and artistic research)
Anselm Clavé 67, 3r - 08100 Mollet del Vallès - Barcelona


Le jour a vaincu la nuit
How to Be a Recluse
Solitude at the end of the World (Patagonia)
Solitude at the end of the World (Patagonia)