Serigne Assane Fall, Jo Exposito, Ababacar Thiakh
2016. Spain, Senegal. vo Spanish, French, Wolof. 60’   on-line

At the height of French colonial expansion in West Africa, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba (re)created a theoretical and practical model of submission to the Real that provided an effective alternative to the power structure, which limited and was limited by the colonial invader. The model or path founded by the Sheikh (the Muridiyya) is based on an Islamic premise according to which knowing is an act of love for each and every thing in creation and for the relationships between them: this is why not the heart, not the brain, is the organ of knowledge. Now, the echoes of Bamba’s loving experience migrate through his followers, the Mourides, who came from African lands and now live among us, perfuming the space, opening us up, and activating memory within us, inviting us to travel along the path of presences towards the One and Only. To migrate is thus to return to oneself. Dhikr ceremony [Remembrance] To conclude, the Baye Fall community invites us to attend and participate in a Dhikr ceremony. The remembrance of Allah (Dhikr or Zikr) is the main task of Sufi schools. “Recordar”, the Spanish word for remembering, comes from the Latin recordari and in some places it means to awaken, to stop sleeping and journey back through the heart (cor), to summon something to mind and invoke somebody's presence.

colonizacion perfumada
colonizacion perfumada
colonizacion perfumada