Steve Reinke
1996. Canada. vo English. s Spanish. 113’

"The question I'm asked most often (by people who haven't seen the work) is, 'What is it about?' -a question I am never able to answer. The series has no central theme and is, I hope, quite heterogeneous. As a whole, though, I can say it is monologue-based, held together by the sound of my voice. Perhaps the prototypical video would have two parts. First, a spoken monologue over a loop of appropriated footage, which promises to reveal something, followed by a 'something' which isn't quite what was promised, but somehow obtusely, perhaps humorously, related. The whole series is five hours long and meant to be approached like a collection of prose poems or very short stories: open it up anywhere and begin reading, skip what doesn't catch your attention, re-read whatever does. So watching it with a remote control is a good idea". (Steve Reinke)

“Nens i petits animals que escarben en la epidermis del possible, la mortificació de la carn per aillar el desig, sesions d’insomni i psicoanàlisi: excuses del real”. Els Cent Videos de Reinke són de fet, petites cel.lules videogràfiques conectades entre elles per formar un gran mosaic compacte d’idees i referències al voltant, entre d’altres, de la identitat sexual, la pròpia memòria de l’autor -l’autobservació i el reflexe d’un mateix en els altres-, en definittiva els mites contemporanis entesos segons la necessitat de generar mecanismes d’orientació. Steven Reinke.
The Hundred Videos (a selection)