A study in time, key Unknown Frame Observatory concepts. At Desorg Punt Org and in the Santa Mònica de Barcelona 2023.


Project in residency
desorg punt org _ Falconetti Peña

The Purple Meridians III

The Purple Meridians III

The Purple Meridians are geographical and symbolic coordinates, and also the name of this project created in 2021 by three organizations based in three European cities: (Turin), Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat (Barcelona), and Rosa Kadın Derneği (Diyarbakir).
The third edition of the project will take place in Durango at the Book Fair from December 6 to 11, 2023.

Light / Vibration

Un vídeo-assaig capaç de suscitar en l'observador un pensament crític alhora que contemplatiu.

Memory and Resilence

CRA’P is presenting in collaboration with the Observatory of Unidentified Video, a video programme with a subsequent colloquium on the limits that separate reason from the human condition, carrying out an incursion into the confines of reality and a reflection on the violence inherent in any war – whether of low or high intensity – that is, the losses, pain and human suffering, which they entail.

Shine of a Perfect Sphere

Far limits of an illusion.

"Running after a mirage is a permanent job without end"


End of work, magic life.

Entre el libro y la espada

Presentation of the documentary "Between the book and the sword", a portrait of the Sikh community in the city of Barcelona and surroundings.

This video is part of the Educational Agreement of collaboration between the OVNI Archives and the Department of Anthropology of the University of Barcelona -  UAB , for the curricular external practices of the students, of the academic year 2022-2023.

Unidentified Video Observatory Constellations

Assaig sobre la ressonància entre els «oasis» que resisteixen a l'extensió del desert i les  constel·lacions de l'Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat (desorg punt org). — El Programa d'Estudis Independents (PEI) del MACBA, 2023-2024, «On són els oasis?», ens va convidar a fer una sessió a la fi d'abril 2023 com a projecte local d'arxiu, recerca i autoria. — El text a continuació és un fragment de la nostra intervenció.

The Opening of Vision

The Opening of Vision

Notes for the script (November 2020)
Gabriel Villota Toyos


Here is a memory or recollection of a research project on communication in the network age. It is not meant to summarise or capture it. Like any other memory, it is partial and distorted. It does not serve as a recipe, nor as a way forward, but to provoke ideas and inspire anyone who wants to open their own research on this or any of the topics.