• Tuesday 28 March 2023, 19:00h - 20:00h
    Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica, Sala Bar_Free entrance.



    About the conceptual axis of the OVNI research project: "The Colonial Dream _ Autonomous Zones" produced and presented in 2006. It briefly contextualizes the issue of the border in a fragile and finite world in the year 2023.



    Colonial Mirror



    Orbit Fragment 1: South Earth in Real Time
    Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center, 5min, 2022.

    Five minutes around the South Earth.

    Una Cruz en la Selva: Guinea
    Jean Pierre Gambarotta, 32min, 2006.

    Idyllic image of Spain's civilizing task, nostalgia for imperial times, the sadistic element in the hunt for wild animals, the work of Christianisation, the militarization of a layer of the population in order to ensure the existence of “loyal natives”, the perpetuation of the African stereotype.

    East Border 2021
    Białystok, Polskie Radio, 6min, 2021.

    EU Eastern Border, 2021. Stones at the Polish-Belarusian crossing, in Kuźnica.

    Mapas de Oriente Medio
    Media Education Foundation, Observatori de Video No Identificat, 3min, 2006.

    The creation of the State of Israel. Maps of the area after successive wars and crises.

    Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species
    Basik Kubasik, 10min, 2023.

    We have 8 billion people on Earth and zero on Mars. Lets make humans a multiplanetary species.

    Orbit Fragment 2: North Earth in Real Time
    Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center, 5min, 2022.

    Five minutes around the North Earth.



    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror



    "History is going to bifurcate along two directions. One path is we stay on Earth forever and then there will be some eventual extinction event. I don't have an immediate doomsday prophecy, but eventually history suggests there will be some doomsday event. The alternative is to become a space-faring civilization and a multiplanet species, which I hope you agree that is the right way to go."



    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror

    Colonial Mirror



    "So how do we figure out how to take you to Mars and create a self-sustaining city, a city that is not really an outpost but can become a planet in its own right and thus we can become a truly multiplanet species?. You know, sometimes people wonder, Well, what about other places in the solar system?. Why Mars?. Well, just to sort of put things into perspective, this is -- this is what --this is an actual scale of what the solar system looks like. So we're currently in the third little rock from the left. That's Earth. Yeah, exactly."



    Colonial Mirror