United States of America

Richard Rowley and Jacqueline Soohen are members of Big Noise Tactical Media, a New York based radical media group. Their groundbreaking feature films, Zapatista (1998), Black and Gold (1999),This Is What Democracy Looks Like (2000), and Fourth World War (2003) have won top honors at hundreds of film festivals from New York, Toronto and Los Angeles to Berlin, Seoul and Bogota. They have also produced television and video reports from the front lines of struggles around the globe. In 1999, as founding members of the Independent Media Center video team, they collaborated in cutting the historic daily satellite feeds from the WTO protests in Seattle. They have reported for national television news programs from Argentina, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mexico, Ecuador, Brasil, East Timor, South Africa and Palestine, where they were the only media to break the siege on the Church of the Nativity.

http://www.bignoisefilms.org/ http://www.bignoisefilms.org/
4th World War
4th World War

Big Noise Films.

2003, United States of America. vo English, Spanish. 78’

Beyond the Wall
Beyond the Wall

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America, Iraq. vo English, Arabic. 21’

Breaking the Bank
Breaking the Bank

Big Noise Films.

2000, United States of America. vo English. 75’

Breaking with Convention
Breaking with Convention

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America. vo English. 68’

Broke Down in Motor City
Broke Down in Motor City

Big Noise Films.

2009, United States of America. vo English. 27’

Homeless Power (Dispatches 02)
Homeless Power (Dispatches 02)

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America. vo English. 12’

Iran: Elections Under Threat (Dispatches 03)
Iran: Elections Under Threat (Dispatches 03)

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America. vo English, Persian. 22’

Re-Awakening Saddam's Tribal Strategy
Re-Awakening Saddam's Tribal Strategy

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America, Iraq. vo English. 21’

Storm from the Mountain
Storm from the Mountain

Big Noise Films.

2000, Mexico. vo Spanish, English. 60’

The Detention Imperative
The Detention Imperative

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America, Iraq. vo English, Arabic. 21’

The Ghost of Anbar (Dispatches 02)
The Ghost of Anbar (Dispatches 02)

Big Noise Films, David Enders, Rick Rowley, Hiba Dawood.

2008, United States of America. vo English. 20’

White Power U.S.A.
White Power U.S.A.

Big Noise Films, Rick Rowley.

2010, United States of America. vo English. 22’

Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan (Dispatches 03)
Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan (Dispatches 03)

Big Noise Films.

2008, United States of America. vo English. 30’


Big Noise Films.

1998, Mexico, United States of America. vo English, Spanish. 56’