United States of America

Jesse Lerner is a documentary film and video maker based in Los Angeles. His short films “Magnavoz” (2006), “T.S.H.” (2004) and “Natives” (1991, with Scott Sterling) and feature-length documentaries “Atomic Sublime” (2010), “The American Egypt” (2001) “Ruins” (1999) and “Frontierland” (1995, with Rubén Ortiz-Torres) have won prizes at film festivals in the United States, Latin America and Japan, and have shown at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the Sydney Biennale and the Sundance Film Festival. He has curated film and photography exhibitions for the Robert Flaherty Seminar, the Guggenheim Museums in New York and Bilbao, and National Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City. His books include F is for Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth’s Undoing (with Alex Juhasz), The Shock of Modernity and The Maya of Modernism. He teaches in the Intercollegiate Media Studies Program of the Claremont Colleges in Claremont, California.

http://americanegypt.net/ http://americanegypt.net/
El Egipto Americano
El Egipto Americano

Jesse Lerner.

2001, Mexico. vo English, Spanish. 57’


Jesse Lerner, Rubén Ortiz Torres.

1995, United States of America. vo English, Spanish. 77’


Jesse Lerner, Scott Sterling.

1991, United States of America. vo English. 25’